Berlin, the place to be

Do you know everything about Berlin’s past?

Let’s discover what makes Berlin so sexy today!

What happened after the wall came down in 1989?

Berlin’s historical role can be found in lots of history books, but are you sure that you’re not missing some details? By walking on the “modern Berlin tour”, you will get to know some of the most vibrant areas of the city. We will walk through the buzzing former Jewish Quarter of Berlin, dissident-occupied Prenzlauer Berg, creative Friedrichshain, and hip and colourful Kreuzberg. Why is Berlin considered poor but sexy? During this tour, we will talk about life, nightlife, modern politics, alternative projects, and gentrification of this blossoming cultural capital.

  • 4 hours

  • 4 km - 2 ½ miles

    *walking involved may change due to the weather conditions or your specific needs.

  • Mitte, Prenzlauer Berg, Friedrichshain, Kreuzberg.

  • A 4-hour tour includes at least one break. If you enjoy a more relaxed pace or you’d love to sample the delicacies in a different café, we’ll add breaks as desired.

  • Rain or shine, you’ll discover the city in all its moods. Dress according to the weather conditions and I promise not to let you melt :-)

  • Exploring Berlin together is more than just my job; it's what I love to do. That's why I offer flexible pricing tailored to your needs. Please reach out to discuss your preferences and determine a price that feels right for you.

My tours can always be tailored to your needs and wishes. Whether you'd like to extend a 4-hour tour to 6 hours, or combine it with another tour, we can make it happen. Get in touch and let me know what you’d like to see and experience. I'll ensure to create the best experience for you!